Wednesday, July 29, 2020


1. B. is at work. This is the last time I get to say that. She's been working from home during the pandemic, only going in every couple of weeks when there's something necessary for her to do that can't be done over the computer. And next week she's retiring. So this is the last time.

2. Meanwhile I'm wondering if 20 weeks of this is my limit for taking easily. Yesterday I had an attack of enervation where nothing on my to-do list, nor anything I do for relaxation (reading, watching, listening), seemed doable. What I need is a break, where I go out somewhere and do something else. But there's nowhere to go and nothing to do there. Driving around aimlessly has no appeal for me.

3. Tybalt likes to play with the occasional spider he finds in the bathtub. (He doesn't take baths, but it is a favorite playspace when not in use.) Now we found him playing with a baby lizard on the dining room floor. We have lots of lizards outside, and this one found its way in somehow. B. thought it was dead, but no: it was just frozen in place, like the spiders do, when poked at by a giant monster many times its size. I was more careful, then, when retrieving it and placing it back outside where I hope it stays.

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