Monday, August 3, 2020

B. is retired

B. is retired. As of 3:30 this afternoon, she is officially retired. She will no longer either have to go into the factory or spend the day slaving over its computer input at home. She has deposited her last paycheck and cash-in of vacation time. She can cast all the technical problems of equipment and workflow off her mind, though I suspect that may take a while. They're somebody else's problem. After 42 years of working in this field, she may now cease, and spend all her time reading e-books and practicing viola music.

I've been revising my recently-submitted scholarly paper according to various suggestions by the outside readers, most of which are tolerable or understandable, and spending too much time on the phone, as I have a close one in the hospital a far distance away (nothing to do with Covid, at least, but nor is it casual) and there are things requiring a lot of handling.

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