Thursday, September 26, 2024

voting quiz

My dreams, however vividly recalled at the moment I wake up, tend to crumble into dust over the next few minutes.

All I can recall of this one is that a cancelled debate between Trump and Harris had been replaced with a voter quiz/challenge, items designed by the Trump campaign. If you could accomplish the task/pass the quiz, you could be counted as a vote for Harris ... if you wanted to, I guess. I can't remember how that part worked.

There were five parts. They were:

1. Park your car properly in a Trump-owned parking lot.

2. Answer the question, how far away is the nearest star to the solar system, Alpha Centauri? ("Four light years" would do.)

3. Do you prefer dogs or cats? (Dog people = Trump; cat people = Harris)

... I can't remember the others.

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