Saturday, September 28, 2024

concert review: San Francisco Symphony

Their first week's concert having been cancelled by a chorus strike, SFS finally put on a regular concert - no chorus this week - Friday evening. Of course, given the cavalier way management has treated the chorus, I expect the orchestra players also to go on strike again (they've done this before) when their contract comes up, but that's not until November, and I don't have any concerts scheduled after next week until January.

Esa-Pekka Salonen - the music director whom management let get away - thus began the subscription concerts of the final season on his contract with this performance. He was greeted by huge audience cheers when he arrived and even huger ones when he was finished, having demonstrated yet again what a loss his departure will be.

The big piece on the program was Hindemith's Mathis der Maler Symphony, which you don't hear very often. Its thematic material consists mostly of unpromising-sounding fragmentary motifs, but a good performance builds them up into a big hefty solemn-sounding work that sounds more compelling than the material making it up. That happened here.

The symphony material is taken from an opera about a 16th-century painter, though there's nothing 16th-centuryish about the music. Somewhat more concrete 20th-century references to earlier music were found in two shorter accompanying pieces. Hindemith's rare Ragtime (Well-Tempered), from his early cheeky period, takes a phrase from a Bach prelude and adapts it into as much raucous noise as an orchestra can generate. Edward Elgar orchestrated Bach's Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, which had an integrated texture that made it sound like it was being played on an organ with more different stops than you'd ever heard of.

For another big piece, EPS has commissioned yet another new piano concerto, this one from composer Nico Muhly and written for pianist Alexandre Tharaud, whose album of French Baroque music Muhly had admired. There was supposed to be an air of, but no quotations from, music of that kind in the outer movements, but the music sounded to me more like fast pulsating minimalism of the Steve Reich school. In the slow movement, Tharaud played an endless series of soft diatonic chords, for all the world as if this were by Georgs Pelēcis, while the orchestra steadily built up into a contrasting din around it.

If you want an account of the mess that led to the strike, and the labor/financial situation that SFS is in, a simple but right-headed accounting comes from retired Chronicle reviewer Joshua Kosman; but for the full-throated burn, Kosman suggests the latest (as of now) four posts from this blogger, Emily Hogstad, who isn't even a Californian but is viewing this from Minnesota, but is her gaze ever piercing, informed as it is by their own orchestral troubles a few years back.

My own take is that the only solution here is to dissolve the management and get a new and more level-headed one, while keeping the musicians - nothing wrong with them. That's what they did in San Jose a couple decades back, and things have been fine there since. The big difference is, San Jose was a local orchestra that learned to live within its budget, while SFS is a world-class ensemble that has yet to grasp that to retain that status, they need to pay for the requisite talent instead of trying to run it on the cheap. If they're going to drop back into a regional-level orchestra, which is where they're headed, they should acknowledge that and have a good excuse for it. But if they want to keep on, they need 1) a clearer, less waffling, and more rip-roaring vision, that will attract the donors they say they want; and 2) a willingness in the meantime to dip further into their enormous endowment to keep the coaster running.


  1. I was at SFS last night and thought the Muhly rather slight; chatting with a friend at intermission, I said it sounded like a cross between Glass and Music from the Hearts of Space, after starting out sounding like themes from a Harry Potter movie. It was not nearly as interesting as the Hillborg, Lindberg, and Adams piano concertos they've performed in the last few years. The program note....well, I would be faintly wary if I were a performer and I saw something written by a composer that mentioned his obsession with me.

    I'm looking forward to hearing Salonen's cello concerto again; I heard it with the Philharmonia Orchestra before the pandemic some time and one hearing was not enough for me to understand it. Also looking forward to the new Adams in January.

    As for SFS, agree 100%, but management couldn't get away with this crap without the support of the board, and dislodging the board will be difficult, if it can be done at all.

    I am looking around for someone who can explain the restrictions on the endowment to me, since the orchestra keeps protesting that they just cannot touch it much more than they already are. And, separate issue, one board member told the NY Times that he has committed $50 million to a small concert hall if the Davies renovation goes ahead - if that's the case, why can't he pony up some fraction of that for current expenses?

    1. The way it happened in San Jose is that things ran off the rails so badly that the corporation dissolved, leaving freedom to found a new organization with a new board and no obligations to the old. Of course, SFS still has a lot of give in it before it reaches that point, and if they did start a new corporation, what would happen to the old one's endowment?

    2. It would take a lawyer to figure out what would happen to the SFS endowment if the corporation were dissolved. But I think that the SFS situation is much more likely to end with public pressure forcing out the current board and management, which is what eventually happened in Minnesota.

    3. That would be best, though you did just say "dislodging the board will be difficult, if it can be done at all."

    4. I did. It took enormous public pressure over 14 months to resolve the Minnesota situation. That was before the pandemic and before the Trump presidency, when everyone was less exhausted than they are now. I'm not sure how bad things would have to get to make it a good idea to dissolve SFS and move to a new organization entirely. I would worry a lot about the possible down sides of such a move.

  2. Forgot entirely to say that the Muhly sounded slight in part because of the company it was in. The Bach-Elgar and the "Mathis der Mahler" Symphony are such great and weighty pieces.
