Monday, October 16, 2023

trapped in an ad I never made

After years of YouTube letting me get away with using an ad blocker on their videos, they're not allowing it any more and putting a block up if they detect an ad blocker. I turned mine off at their request and I'm still getting the blocking.

So now I have to watch videos on my other browser, on which I've never installed ad blockers - unless I've already bought a movie for sale, or if the video is embedded in another web page. Links aren't exempt, but embeddeds are. For now.

As for the ads, they're running about half the time in front of the videos, are usually in pairs of 15 and 6 seconds each, and are never for anything I'd have the slightest interest in buying. The idea that companies are spending millions on these things seems to me a fundamental fallacy, but if anyone ever notices that, the entire economy will probably collapse.

1 comment:

  1. If you're using UBlock, you can fix this by following the instructions here: it worked for me.

    In case the above link is not wanted, here are the text instructions from that comment:

    "Click on Ublock, Click on the 3 little cog wheels to open dashboard, once in dashboard find the filter list, then purge all caches, hit update now, should take a few seconds before it works"
