Thursday, August 17, 2023


I'm all the more eager for the new edition of Tolkien's Letters to come out, as the better part of the index has fallen out of the old softcover I'm using as my reference copy. I'm using it a lot right now, as I'm writing an extremely hairy review of a book which gets most of its facts about the Inklings wrong.

This week I've been pretty much stuck at home and will be next week as well, as my car is in the shop having the dents pounded out, and that's how long it takes. This is all because somebody bumped into my car in a parking lot in June; the damage was minor but the insurance company is insistent it be repaired. Of course I can take B's car if I have to, and I do for the weekly shopping and for a medical appointment, but it's a nuisance to adjust the seat and all, and I'd rather not. So I'm checking the shopping list extra careful to ensure we have enough and I don't have to take any supplementary trips.

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