Tuesday, December 31, 2024

the annual year-end post

I'm not sure how to count my publications for this year. Last year's issue of Tolkien Studies didn't actually appear until this year, and this year's isn't going to appear until next year. Sigh. In the one that actually appeared, I wrote the bibliography, part of the "Year's Work," and one book review. I also had one book review, of two books, in Mythlore.

That was it for that side of writing this year. I also published 24 concert reviews, not as many as last year, but except that five of them were in July, not too taxing a pace.

However, I did a lot more traveling this year than in most recent years. When toting it up, I was startled to realize that I took one (or in one case two) trips, all at least two nights' stay, in each month between June and November. Only one of those trips was by plane, however. Another was a road trip sufficiently rambling to require five separate overnight locations. But my first stay away from home was for an entirely different reason. Here's the cities where I stayed away from home this year:

Santa Clara CA
Ashland OR
Monterey CA
St. Louis Park MN
Glendora CA
Roseburg OR
Renton WA
Kennewick WA
Sherwood OR
Klamath Falls OR
Medford OR
Glendora CA (again: same motel room, even)

The other jurisdiction I set foot in this year was Idaho. But what was I doing staying in Santa Clara, the city next to my own, and at a location only two miles from here? That's when I was in the hospital for a week. Oh, my. Let's not do that again.

Monday, December 30, 2024

former president humor

I saw this on one of the tribute posts:

Carter said that his favorite cartoon from The New Yorker magazine was of a child saying “Daddy, I want to be a former President.”

That kind of reminds me:

Chief Justice William H. Taft was walking along the street one day when a little girl came up to him and said, "I know who you are!" Taft genially replied, "Who am I, then?" and the girl said, "You're the Chief Justice! But you used to be President Coolidge!"

Asked in his last years how he managed to deal with the obloquy against him, Herbert Hoover said, "I outlived the bastards."

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jimmy Carter

What more can I say about the centennial man who passed away this afternoon? Mostly this:

We've had four US presidents who made major public service after they left the presidency: John Quincy Adams, who served some 17 years in the House and fought fiercely to preserve the right of the people to petition against slavery; William H. Taft, who served as Chief Justice for some 8 years, and whatever the antiquity of his judicial opinions, was the greatest administrator of the judiciary that the Supreme Court ever had; Herbert Hoover, who was tasked by Truman to resume his post-WW1 work alleviating hunger in Europe and then headed two commissions to reorganize the executive branch; and, surely greatest of all, Jimmy Carter, who oversaw the integrity of elections, brokered peace settlements, eradicated diseases in Africa, and personally built houses for the under-housed, among much else.

All these presidents had something in common. They each served only one term as president. They were each defeated for re-election. And in each case it was for much the same reason. Each came into office with definite plans for what they wanted to do in office, but each lacked either the ability or the inclination to be a politician about it, to negotiate with Congress and others, to grease the wheels. As a result there's a lot that didn't get done and the president lost traction with the public. And the way they behaved, they shouldn't have been surprised that they lost public support.

(Though they did get some things done. Among the many things Carter got done were settling the Panama Canal on the country it's in, and establishing the Department of Education: both of which DT wants to undo, but I expect he's going to have a little trouble with them.)

But put those presidents in post-presidential positions where high-level political smooching isn't so important, and they can bring their administrative strengths and visions to bear with less impediment, and accomplish good things. In Adams's case, a tendency towards being an obnoxious gadfly was actually an advantage for someone fighting a nearly-lone battle against the sense of the House. Taft and Hoover found administrative positions where they could actually be in charge instead of being largely exhorting as a president must. And the same for Carter: a man of enormous energy and vision but also of great humility, a moral pulpit didn't suit him (remember the "malaise" speech? Nobody ever showed Carter wrong on the facts, but he was utterly uninspiring) as well as did more limited, but still important, practical problems he could solve.

So let us honor the memory of this man. Protocol says that on the death of a president or ex-president, flags are flown at half-mast for 30 days. That will include the inauguration. Heh.

Friday, December 27, 2024

why did I go to Berkeley?

The latest issue of the UC Berkeley alumni magazine has an interview with the new chancellor, Rich Lyons, the first campus head to be an alumnus himself in over 60 years. I see he was three years behind me, and he came from the same town I did. It's right by Stanford, so they asked him, in that case "why did you come to Cal?" (Cal is what sports fans call it. Nerds call it Berkeley.)

He said, "An older brother came here, so it was familiar. And I got to come to football games when I was 12 and 13. That was a big part of it."

Neither of those apply to me. I had no older siblings, and my interest in sports is zero. I'd gone through Berkeley on family outings, but had never been on campus until after I applied. Further, I had a personal connection with Stanford: my father had a post as adjunct professor at the medical school, so in high school I had a faculty family library card, which I made use of in writing term papers for history.

Reasons I went to Berkeley instead:
  1. It was further away. Stanford was so close I'd feel obliged to come home every weekend. Berkeley, 50 miles away, was close enough that I could but wouldn't feel I had to.
  2. It was urban. I'd spent my life out in the suburbs, and thought a period in a congested urban environment would be good for my emotional and practical education. It was, too.
  3. It was larger and had a reputation as being more diverse. This meant I was more likely to find a social niche where I could fit in. That worked, too.
  4. It had a reputation as being the most intellectually bristling public university in the country. Maybe in faculty, but outside of my niche I found the students to be the same unintellectual clods I'd detested in high school. That was a disappointment.
  5. And speaking of being a public university, in those days that meant the tuition was much lower than Stanford's. I liked the idea of giving my parents their money's worth. The more so as I was a little nervous about going to a high-powered place. My high school teachers had warned us of how much more challenging university would be. I did not find it so; classes were never more than I could absorb.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Civil War reading

It's quieting down from Christmas. This morning I turned on the classical station and found the Brandenburg 3, instead of the nonstop Christmas carols we had yesterday. In the 45 minutes it took to drive to our nephew's house, they played "Riu, riu, chiu" twice. I can think of a lot of worse things to play twice, but you still need to keep track of your playlist.

This is the book on the US Civil War that I picked up a while back and have been poking through reading at mealtimes:

Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South by Elizabeth R. Varon (Simon & Schuster, 2023)

As the subtitle suggests, concentrates on the postwar period. Runs through his pre-war life (he was career Army) very briefly - apparently there's not much to be said; all of Longstreet's personal papers were destroyed in a postwar fire - is not too clogged on his wartime service, but really gets going on his varied postwar career, focused on his not quite unique attitude of accepting that since the South lost, they didn't get to have things their own way any more. The result of this is that Longstreet became a Republican. Huge detail on his decade plunged into the maelstrom of postwar Louisiana politics, culminating in his leading Black police troops in a street battle against a white supremacist mob. Things like this made him vastly popular among other ex-Confederates, you can be sure.

The book jump-cuts - because that's what his life was like - into Longstreet's periods doing other things like being a federal marshal in Georgia and, most bizarrely, his brief stint as the US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. You'd think this job in 1880 would be mostly focused on trade issues, and indeed the US had previously secured treaty rights for free passage of their trade ships through the Bosporus, something which the Russians also wanted and fought several wars with the Turks over, but it turns out his main concern was with American Protestant missionaries wandering around the back forties of the Empire. They'd annoy the natives, get into trouble, and the US Ambassador would have to bail them out.

But of course the main topic is Longstreet's reputation. He spent a lot of time defending himself against people who decided he'd been a bad general during the war because they disliked his activities after the war. Varon is diligent about summarizing the charges, Longstreet's writings, the crusading defenses by his second wife (a much younger journalist he married in his last, widowed years), and the opinions of previous biographers. Concludes with a discussion of Longstreet and the statues issue. There is exactly one statue of Longstreet. It's at Gettysburg, it's in an obscure corner, it was erected recently by a group which emphasized they were only honoring his generalship and not his postwar life, and it's small and makes him look like a dork (there's a photo). This book really gives a new view on the recent (and not so recent) controversies over the legacy of that still-contentious war.

I also started to read The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson (Crown, 2024) but gave up on it rather quickly. The period between Lincoln's election and the outbreak of war is searingly suspenseful, but Larson lets all the air out of it by chopping the story up into tiny vignettes, concentrating on personal walnettos instead of describing the issues, and insuring that no two consecutive vignettes have any connection, making the story even choppier. I know Larson is a wildly popular author, but I found this as boring as it was frustrating.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

an ecumenical Christmas

B.'s family gathered for Christmas dinner at our (her) nephew's house. Meeting time was 2 pm, dinner (featuring prime rib and grilled chicken; I brought the steamed broccoli) was served about 3:30. We'd surely still be there at 5 pm. 5 pm was sunset, and the beginning of the first night of Hanukkah, a rare concatenation. I thought, why not bring along my Hanukkah menorah and light the candles there? As the only Jew in a household of Christians (mostly Catholics), I could offer them a glimpse at a religious ceremony that most of them had probably never seen before.

And so, by pre-agreement with the hosts (nephew and his wife), that's what I did. In between the family gift exchange and the 'white elephant' game, I called everybody back from the den into the dining room, where I'd set the menorah up near the end of the table. This was my first time doing this before an audience of more than 2 or 3 people, and not being used to it as I am with giving conference papers, I was a little nervous. I'd brought along the wrong box of matches, the one whose striking surfaces have been worn smooth; the candles kept flickering out after being lit; and I stumbled a bit over the blessings. But it got done.

Being familiar with the customs of Catholics after 30 years of being married to one, I did caution them that Hanukkah candles are not to be blown out, that they must be allowed to burn all the way down. They're small; it'll take less than an hour. Grand-nephew who'd been off in a corner during the ceremony was puzzled coming by later and seeing the candles still burning.

I got several thanks and compliments for this fascinating and new-to-them little ceremony, and nephew's brother-in-law asked me what was the Hebrew for 'Happy Hanukkah.' I didn't actually know that, so I said, "What my people usually say is 'Happy holiday' in Yiddish, which is 'Gut yontif.'" So he wished me "Gut yontif." That was very polite.

I count this a satisfactory Christmas. Now on to the rest of Hanukkah.

Monday, December 23, 2024

concert reviews: best of the year

San Francisco Classical Voice, for which I write reviews, has just published their Best of 2024 roundup. As explained in the introduction, they asked five of their reviewers to pick the three best concerts they attended in the Bay Area this year, and I was among the five.

Like others, I go to a lot more concerts than I review for SFCV. Looking over my reviews for the year and my blog posts on other concerts, I decided that, though I'd enjoyed just about everything I reviewed, only one of those concerts really met the highest level. Fortunately Lisa Hirsch, also one of the five, had reviewed both the others I picked, and she agreed that they were excellent.

They were SFS in January (Dvorak and Beethoven), the Ustvolskaya piano recital in October, and the Redwood Symphony in November (Shostakovich and Mozart), the last being the one I reviewed. If I'd had five choices, I'd have added the Esme Quartet in October, and the California Symphony in Beethoven's Ninth in September, neither of which SFCV reviewed at all.

We toted up our picks in a shared document, so as to avoid overlap, and then turned in our writeups. For the two I didn't review, I just boiled my blog posts on them down to the requested word length, and for the other, I took my review and looked for synonyms.

Since two of my three were major hefty symphony performances, and two of my three were Soviet-era music, I'm glad that others had different tastes, so that we got a variety. I attended two of the other reviewers' choices: the April SFS concert chosen by Rebecca Wishnia, though I preferred its Prokofiev Third to the Walton Viola Concerto that she emphasized; and Kaija Saariaho's opera Innocence at SFO in June, chosen by Steven Winn, and I agree with him that it was a stunning and awesome event.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

folk festival

The annual tour of the grizzled folkie singer-songwriter luminaries came to the Freight yesterday. Last year I went because my beloved Christine Lavin was among their number. She wasn't there this year, but the other three were the same, and I had enjoyed them too, and the fourth was an equal luminary. Very popular show, biggest crowd I've seen at the Freight in quite a while. (Also the only time in quite a while that I've run into somebody I knew at a folk concert there.)

So: Patty Larkin, Lucy Kaplansky, John Gorka, Cliff Eberhardt. They performed some of the same songs they did last year - same format: a few solos from each, then all in a row they took turns, backing up each other on vocals or guitar - but as I don't have any of their albums I wasn't familiar with the other songs they did. But I enjoyed it all.

Here's studio recordings of two of the songs I heard:

Saturday, December 21, 2024

concert review: San Francisco Girls Chorus

Last Friday I went to hear Brocelïande, Saturday the Palo Alto Philharmonic, and on Sunday, the San Francisco Girls Chorus, which I reviewed, and which has today been published. I wrote "nor do they" in the first sentence, but my editors changed "nor" to "or." I guess that's one of their newspaper editorial preferences, like avoiding Oxford commas.

Normally I don't review Christmas holiday concerts, partly because I'm not that enthused by the genre, though I don't dislike it, but more because it's difficult to review a lot of short pieces, which a carol recital will be. But this time seemed special. It was being held at Kohl Mansion, usually a venue for fairly austere instrumental chamber music of 2-4 players, rarely anything vocal, and one which takes no notice of the holidays. But this year they did, so I decided to play along.

B. didn't want to come along, since she's not a fan of children's choirs. She might have liked this one, though, as these girls were all of high-school age, and most of the time they sounded like adult women, albeit a bit lighter and fresher. But when they reverted to something younger, it was painful enough that B. was better off staying away. Two dozen teenage girls screeching in a small and highly reveberant room is not a sound you want to travel to hear.

But most of it was excellent. I wrote in the review of arrangements that were "quite complex with melodic and harmonic lines weaving in all directions." That's the summary of lots of notes I took about some of the remarkable things going on, all of it memorized, all of it clear as crystal, and as sparkling too.

Without B., then, I asked L., who is also a choral singer and was sure to appreciate it. We both figured to dress up a little for the spirit of the occasion. She was in red and fuzzy, and I figured my color scheme this way: I have a green shirt, I should match it with a red tie. But I don't have a red tie, so I chose the closest thing I do have: maroon background with little blue shapes of US states scattered over it. And we had a pleasant time of the concert.

Friday, December 20, 2024

a thought for your Christmas bird

Turkeys, the bird, are not from Turkey, the country, but they're named for it from a mistaken association* similar to the one by which American Indians, who are not from India, are nevertheless named as if they were.

Now the country's government wants English-speakers and others to call it Türkiye, which is the spelling in its own language, to reclaim a little unavian dignity. But since they had the name first, they really ought to ask us to change the name of the bird instead.

*Guinea fowl, which aren't from Turkey either, they're from Africa, were imported via Turkey, so they became known as turkey-cocks, and the American birds reminded people of them so they took the same name.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

oh Miss Bennet, the fan fiction is calling

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley by Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon, Theatre Works Silicon Valley

This play is a sequel to Pride and Prejudice, and its spirit is pure fan fiction, the open wish-fulfillment of finding an appropriate mate for the neglected Bennet sister, Mary (who has succeeded to the formal title of "Miss Bennet" now that both her elder sisters are married).

Her obvious mate is one Arthur de Bourgh, a cousin of Darcy and of Anne de Bourgh previously unknown to history. A major part of this play, and in truth the best part, is the attempt by two nerdish Asperger's types to try to fit in to the social customs of the Jane Austen era.

None of the existing characters really matched up closely with the book or with well-known adaptations, but some were better than others. Mary could best be described as being polished up. She's more accomplished at her art (mostly playing Beethoven at the piano, including pieces that probably hadn't been written yet) and less quite so awkward. But her sisters remark on how she's matured, and considering her supposed age that's reasonable.

But Lizzy didn't remind us (B. went with me to this one) of any previous incarnation of Lizzy, being giddy, more like Lydia. Anne has somehow grown up to be like her mother, a real shock because she wasn't like that in the book at all, and this time a comment from another character wasn't enough to cover it. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley also lack some of the flavor associated with them, and spend most of the play serving as advisors to the lovelorn, trying futilely to relate their experiences of falling in love to Arthur's.

The three-level set - including a library room which immediately attracts both Mary and Arthur - was stunning, and the portrait of Austen on the wall was noted with pleasure. But the acting was mixed. The leads were good, especially in the tall Arthur's way of cringing when he's embarrassed, which he is frequently, but the Lydia didn't really fit the flighty character well, and both Lizzy and Anne talked too fast and didn't enunciate clearly enough.

But you don't go to this for any of that other stuff. You go to watch Mary Bennet fall in love. That's something of a wish-fulfillment for me, because I'm convinced she would have been the Bennet girl for me. Lydia and Kitty, they are not for me, and Jane and Lizzy, I am not for them. But Mary, even in her hamhanded book incarnation, would be someone I could imagine being with, and Arthur is a far more perfect mate for her than that.

This is a play for the warm fuzzies and only the warm fuzzies.

Monday, December 16, 2024

sweet dish served cold

I attended an online session in which half a dozen Tolkien scholars gave brief presentations discussing aspects of the second season of Rings of Power. I had figured - correctly, by the combination of the experience and the thrust of the talks - that this would be not only a quicker but a more entertaining way of finding out what happened in it than by actually watching the thing.

My heart was warmed by the sight of all this ragging on the show in the same way that I was ragging on Peter Jackson twenty-odd years ago. And I told them that.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

concert review: Palo Alto Philharmonic

I've been to this local community orchestra before, and I might have gone to this concert anyway, but I had a special reason: our niece E. has joined it. She plays double bass. In fact all three of the double bass players in this orchestra are women, and if you're reminded of the Netflix documentary The Only Girl in the Orchestra about the first woman, a double bass player, to join the New York Philharmonic, so am I. (I also know someone who used to be a cellist in this orchestra, but he left some time ago.)

A few other family members, including our nephew L., E.'s husband, showed up to cheer along. B., however, had been at a music-making session earlier and had had enough for one day. L. was attempting to concoct a baseball joke about third bass, but I warned him it's been done.

The program featured a flute concerto by the Japanese composer Yuko Uebayashi, with Ráyo Furuta as soloist. I've heard Uebayashi's flute chamber music before, under Furata's curation, and I liked it a lot. I was not so excited by the concerto, which was more of the Debussyean impressionist part and less of the bouncy, exciting part. E. confessed that she wasn't always sure what key the music was in, which likely was a result of the Debussy influence; and listening to the orchestra, I'm not sure they always knew what key they were in either. Furuta, though, as usual was a dazzling soloist.

Followed by Beethoven's Fifth, a dramatic and urgent, and pretty well together, performance, nicely led by music director Lara Webber.

That was Saturday. On Friday, B. and I did go out together, for a concert by Brocelïande, our favorite Renaissance/folk band. Half of it was the Christmas seasonal music they do so well; the other half was their music for other seasons to honor the publication of their first songbook, which covers that part of their repertoire. They were a little tired and out of sorts this time, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

quiz: why is the Pentagon in the shape of a pentagon?

  1. Because it would be silly to call a building "The Pentagon" if it wasn't shaped like a pentagon.
  2. To signify the five branches of the military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard.
  3. To evoke the shape of 15th-century fortifications.
  4. To confuse any potential assailants, like the ones on 9/11, as to which face of the building to attack.
  5. To best fit in the space they decided to build it in.
  6. To fit in the space they were originally going to build it in, but they moved the site and decided to leave it as a pentagon because it looked cool.

Friday, December 13, 2024

what we have come to

This review of the new War of the Rohirrim movie, which like other reviews I've seen describes as dull and forgettable this attempt to fill out Tolkien's brief backstory of Helm's Deep, gets one important thing critically right. The author writes, "Game of Thrones ... and others have assumed that fantasy will only appeal to modern audiences if it's people using violence to jockey for position. This is a far cry from The Lord of the Rings the world fell in love with, where power is a corruptive force and inflicting violence, while necessary in war, is not necessarily what makes a hero." (I've moved a comma to improve the grammatical sense.)

This is one of the strongest of the important points that distinguish Tolkien's work from the hack-and-slash fantasies so often incongruously associated with his. I once wrote, "Those mighty-thewed warriors would consider even Aragorn a rather sniveling fellow, and would not grasp the concept of the non-violent Frodo as a hero at all." So many people don't get this difference; this writer does; so far so good.

The problem is that context shows that what the writer means by "The Lord of the Rings the world fell in love with" is the Jackson movies. We have reached a state of degradation where Jackson's atrocious distortion of Tolkien's themes looks like a beacon of faithfulness to the original in comparison with the even worse atrocities - including Jackson's Hobbit - that have come since.

I survived only one episode of Rings of Power and found myself wondering why anyone who loves Tolkien's work would even want to watch this. The amoral whinging - so similar to the description of War of the Rohirrim in these reviews - is so totally unlike Tolkien as to leave nothing in common but a few of the character names. Surely that's not enough to account for its appeal. You might like this kind of hack fiction also, but only as an entirely separate thing: to affiliate it with Tolkien's suggests you weren't paying attention when you read the original.

Such a problem infects another review of War of the Rohirrim I've seen which takes a similar tack to the first one. This author claims that the sheer length of Jackson's movies is "part of why [they're] so beloved," explaining that "Jackson's films mimicked the feeling of reading Tolkien's novels, more focused on spinning a yarn than structuring a story for the necessary constraints of television."

Well, that Jackson didn't care about constraints for structuring his story is true. Jackson told the story the way he wanted to, ignoring the "rules" of moviemaking whenever he wanted to (which is why I refuse to accept the necessities of the rules of moviemaking as a defense for his atrocities on the source material). He didn't tell it the way that conventional moviemakers would have wanted, or the way that Tolkien would have wanted.

But if that's what makes his movies beloved, then his Hobbit - even longer (relatively) and less structured than his LR - should be even more beloved. But it isn't, so that's hogwash. And even more hogwashable is the claim that LR "mimicked the feeling of reading Tolkien's novels." My god, did you see the movies? Did you read the book? Despite the movies' length, the rush-rush-rush of the action, the pitching directly from one catastrophe into the next (not 100% accurate, but it feels that way next to the book), with pauses either entirely omitted (where's the days-long creeping through Moria, for instance? It could have been depicted in a brief shot of a few seconds without adding anything to the run time) or treated ineptly (Rivendell, beautiful but perfunctory and hamhanded, and Lorien, not even beautiful) is so far from mimicking the book as to be one of the atrocities.

I won't be watching War of the Rohirrim. I have no interest in a hack-and-slash adventure, even if it's supposedly set in Tolkien's world and has his invented names on some of the characters. And I don't get why other Tolkien fans would bother to watch it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

two little concerts

Sunday I went to a Harmonia California concert. As with the previous time, I was impressed with the strong and heavy sound of this tiny (17-person) string orchestra, perfect for Baroque-period works in the minor (a Handel concerto grosso and an oboe concerto variously attributed to one or the other of the Marcello brothers - soloist Laura Griffiths was skilled far beyond the community orchestra level) and Tchaikovsky's Serenade.
Also on the program, a new five-minute piece by the orchestra's manager, Alan Hebert, who's taken up composition in his retirement from his day job. It's inspired by his favorite composer, Gerald Finzi. Finzi? That's an unusual choice for ... it sounded at least as much like Delius to me.

Tuesday a student group at Stanford was playing two Brahms chamber works with piano: the Quintet Op. 34 and the Quartet Op. 25, both favorites of mine. As often, especially with Brahms, I wished my mother were alive to go with me. The result was rather tepid in the offering, but earnest enough and competently played. The students, a group of mostly juniors who've been playing together since they were frosh, include 3 computer science majors, one in biomedical computation, and one in symbolic systems, whatever that may be. As B. points out, you don't go to Stanford to major in music. You play it on the side, and that's what they do here.

Getting there was a little exciting. The vet had been running busy, and I didn't get the cats out until 6. From there it's 15 minutes home without the commuter traffic which was heavy; the Stanford concert was at 7:30 and it takes 20 minutes to get there. In between which I wanted to make and eat dinner (that's myself and B). So I pan-fried up the frozen quesadillas I'd bought at Lunardi's last week. Being frozen they actually took longer to cook than the ones I make myself, but at least I didn't have to assemble the ingredients. Result, mixed quality.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

cats in bondage

Every time one of our cats wanted to snuggle in the last couple of weeks - and they've wanted a lot of it - I felt guilty, knowing that today we would betray their trust and take them to the vet. Maia did her damndest to avoid being locked up in the cat carrier, while Tybalt sort of gave up. He's a very bright and personable pussycat, and I think he's figured out from past experience that resistance is futile.

That didn't prevent him from yowling loudly from the carrier, at least whenever he could see that I was around. But unlike Maia, who darted for cover the instant we opened the carrier on returning home, Tybalt just sort of sauntered out and was soon looking for love and petting again. Maia reappeared as soon as there was Food.

Tybalt has a heart condition, and part of his vet appointment was an echocardiogram, which he hadn't had before. I was afraid that being forced to lie prone for ten minutes while the sensor rummaged around his chest might traumatize him, but he seems OK. The vet said the cats were well-behaved, which is not how they sounded as the stereo yowling accompanied me as I carried the two hi-fi speakers into the vet's office.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

another online conference

This weekend's was co-sponsored by the Tolkien Society (UK-based, though very international) and the Tolkien Society of Serbia, and Saturday's papers were to be in Serbian. I was busy anyway, so I skipped that, and listened to as much as I could - not much, as it turned out - of Sunday's in English.

The best one I heard was a presentation by Erik Jampa Andersson on the historical framing of the legendarium. He talked lucidly and with command of the material about the purported fictional translations, and about the real-world historical setting, postulating that Tolkien pulled back from the initial idea of a mythological English origin story to something set further and further back in history,* to the point - Andersson said - that the legends could be depicted as the origins not just of English or even broadly European myths, but more generally - so as to authorize anybody to write Tolkien fanfic or create media adaptations? I wasn't quite clear what the argumentative point was here.

Andersson then segued into discussion of media adaptations in general, and here I lost more of his thread. Noting Tolkien's belief that drama was naturally hostile to fantasy, producing mechanical tricks which strain to generate secondary belief, Andersson simultaneously argued that viewers of fiction films can't be totally immersed into the experience because they can't forget that they're watching actors and not the 'real' people, but also that a movie, because it is visual and auditory, not just textual, 'cements' that version of the story in viewers' minds, making them think that's the 'correct' version.

This ties in with my argument about media colonization - that you can't just ignore an effective movie and take the book down from the shelf, because the movie will be in the head - but Andersson was more interested in contrasting this 'cementing' with Tolkien's preference for unreliable narration.

Here I thought he went a little far. It's true that Tolkien experimented with writing stories that were factually unreliable within the fictive universe, but I think you can tell which ones those are, and while there are small points in The Lord of the Rings which are unknown or unanswered, the oft-used trope of claiming Sauron as the hero and depicting the book as a giant libel on him does not, I think, fall into that category. I mean, you can write that, but don't claim Tolkien's imprimatur on it.

*Andersson said what I've also noted, which that it is often difficult to explain to people that Tolkien's legendarium is set - as Andersson very nicely put it - not in an imaginary place, but in a real place in an imaginary time.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

reading and eating

Today was our book discussion group's annual 'reading and eating' meeting, where we gather for food and to read short selections of our choice aloud to each other. And it was our second year in the back room of an Irish pub. Seven people again, almost all the same folks as last year. And we had lunch, most taking food typical of an Irish or British pub, only I had a caesar salad, and then did our reading.

As B. and I came by car, it wasn't difficult for me to lug along all three newly-published volumes of Tolkien's Collected Poetry to show them off and to read from. My first selection I introduced by saying "You all know the song which ends 'That's what Bilbo Baggins hates! / So carefully! carefully with the plates!' But what did J.R.R. Tolkien hate? Motorcycles!" And I read the previously unpublished poem expostulating almost incoherently against motorcycles in alliterative verse.

Other readings included more Tolkien, William Morris, Charles Dickens, Connie Willis, The Bloggess, and Yangsze Choo if I've spelled that correctly.

On the drive up I had the radio on, and Saturday morning is the weekly opera broadcast, into which we were dumped in the middle. We tried to figure out whose music it was. The sung language was German, so that limited the possibilities. The orchestra was wildly emotive enough to be Wagner, but the tone colors didn't have a distinctively Wagnerian air. B. thought maybe Weber, who certainly could be weird enough, but I thought the harmonic language beyond him. Then came a passage to which my comment was, "Now it sounds like Richard Strauss." It was. The act ended just before we arrived. It was Die Frau ohne Schatten.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

the text police

I realize there are far more important things going on in this article, but what caught my eye in this story of dating gone wrong was the description of this as suspicious in the man's behavior: "Over the four weeks that they chatted virtually, though, he was 'hot and cold'—sometimes going silent for eight hours."

Eight hours? That's how long an average human being goes silent every day because they're asleep. I've never been used to instantaneous back-and-forth message communication, not even on e-mail, and I certainly wouldn't tolerate it now. If anyone started sending me messages at a rate at which an eight-hour gap was considered 'going silent,' I'd have to ask them to stop. The idea of being tied down to my mobile phone like that is horrifying. (When would I have the time to charge it?)

All this was going on by text, of course, and the above even leaves aside the fact that I hate texting anyway. I'm a touch typist, and any form of typing which doesn't allow me to place eight fingers on the home keys is anathema to me, I just hate it. It's even annoying at the desktop computer when I have to use one hand to hold a cat which wants to sit on my chest; cat cuddling is compatible with reading or watching videos, not writing. I will only text to send a short message for business purposes, and even then only if my recipient clearly expects it that way. Fortunately I only deal with a couple of people who are like that.

I admit that in a noisy situation, texting eliminates the problem of not being able to hear a voice call. Though I've found that, when trying to send a text in a fast-moving situation - we're both in the same building and need to meet right away, that sort of thing - the situation is usually changed (e.g. the other person has actually found me) before I can finish writing the text.

This is rendered worse because I keep getting the backspace and delete buttons on my phone mixed up in my mind. I make a typo and want to change that one last character, and suddenly find I've erased the entire message and have to start over.

I hate texting, and I won't do casual chatting that way. Thank the Lord I'm married to a woman as quiet as I am and I'm permanently out of the dating market.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

four concerts

The weekend before Thanksgiving I went to three concerts. I was reviewing two of them, but the publication of the reviews was very late. So I waited to write about them until now.

1. South Bay Philharmonic, Friday
This is the community orchestra that B. is a violist in. They gathered to play Vasily Kalinnikov's First Symphony, which I've been hearing practiced in my living room almost continuously for the past several months. You may not have heard of Vasily Kalinnikov or his First Symphony, but I had. It was written just after Tchaikovsky's death, and sounds more like a Tchaikovsky symphony than anything else that isn't a Tchaikovsky symphony. I like it a lot, and enjoyed what was I think only the second time I'd heard it live. Especially the Andante, which was haunting.

2. Redwood Symphony, Saturday
This gathering was to play Dmitri Shostakovich's Fourth Symphony, which is the Very Difficult symphony I wrote on Nov. 22 that I was facing reviewing. My review says most of it, including why I was so looking forward to hearing this, which is that it's by far the most Mahlerian symphony Shostakovich ever wrote, and the Redwood Symphony does revelatory Mahler. I didn't find this performance revelatory in terms of casting insight as to how or why the composer wrote it as he did, but it was excellently done, just sizzling. I was particularly relieved that my study sessions had enabled me to internalize this "one damn thing randomly after another" piece enough to usually know what was coming next, because it really contributed to my appreciation of this first time I'd heard the piece live.

3. Peninsula Symphony and Stanford Symphonic Chorus, Sunday
Then I went to Bing to hear something by a favorite composer that I'd never heard at all, live or otherwise. Indeed, for years I hadn't even been aware that Howard Hanson had written a final, choral, seventh symphony. He called it "A Sea Symphony." So did Ralph Vaughan Williams title his choral symphony, 65 years earlier. Hanson set poems by Walt Whitman extolling the sea and shipping on the sea. So did Vaughan Williams. Hanson wrote four movements. So did Vaughan Williams. But Vaughan Williams's symphony is an hour long, Hanson's only 20. It also doesn't sound that much like Vaughan Williams, or like Hanson either, being a bit imitative but a bit watery. I'm glad I heard it, though, and I wrote a review.

Then this week, I went to hear

4. The Chamber Music Society of San Francisco, Monday
at the Freight - which does classical chamber music occasionally - in the form of a string quartet, playing Mozart's K. 575 and Beethoven's Op. 127. Good solid performances, just not as weighty as the works deserve. Large audience, mostly grey-haired.
Distressing discovery of the evening was that almost the entire block of Center Street with the good restaurants that are convenient to the BART station has been closed down for redevelopment, and will be shut off for the next two years. One of the restaurants I like has moved, but to too far away to be convenient for a pre-Freight dinner, alas.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

strangulated girl

No human females are harmed in this post; the reference is to the word.

I've seen it noted that people not native to English often have particular trouble attempting to pronounce the word "squirrel." I would like to suggest a companion in that misery, and not just for second-language speakers: the phonetically slightly similar "girl."

I had noted how Prince Harry, with his cut-glass upper-crust British accent, sounded strangulated when trying to tell Oprah the (putative) sex of his then-impending child. The word didn't seem to fit his manner of talking.

But it was more recently when I was on the phone with a service representative who had, I think, some form of South Asian accent that I really began to wonder. He was reading an alpha-numeric code off to me, and for one letter said "G as in grr." "G as in what?" I asked, not sure if I'd heard the letter correctly. He repeated it. It took some time to establish that the word he was trying to say was "girl," but that neither the vowel nor the final L seemed to exist in his phonetic vocabulary. Possibly he should have picked a different word, but maybe the company had a required list.

Friday, November 29, 2024

matching Cleveland

The imminence of the second occasion in US history that a former president has returned for a second, non-consecutive term sends me thinking to the first occasion, Grover Cleveland in 1893. The question of appointees makes me wonder: did Cleveland reappoint in his second term anyone who'd served in his first term?

And the answer is, not in his Cabinet. He made a deliberate decision not to do so. One of his former cabinet officers did reappear in his administration. First-term Secretary of State Thomas F. Bayard was second-term Ambassador to the UK. Also note that William F. Vilas, who'd been Postmaster General and Secretary of the Interior in the first term, was during Cleveland's second term a US Senator, from Wisconsin, where he was a major spokesman for the administration. Some of Cleveland's other cabinet members were active in politics in a non-office-holding capacity, but their principal occupations were in private life.

Flipping the other way, of his second term major officers, Vice President Adlai E. Stevenson had been the assistant Postmaster General in the first term, and Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont had served on the president's staff. Some others were office-holders outside of the executive branch: Secretary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle, for instance, had been Speaker of the House.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

no-drama thanksgiving

Our niece hosted the usual big friends-and-family gathering today, and politics never came up. The obnoxious brothers who used to express right-wing views have now moved far away, and those few left who might share them are more circumspect. Everyone present had a good time. My brother and his fiancée came in from out of town, and I got to introduce her to the hostess's famous artichoke dip.

My own contribution was a roasted broccoli dish the recipe for which I found in my files a couple weeks ago and made for dinner at home, where it earned raves from B. and a strong suggestion I bring it for Thanksgiving. So I did even though I wasn't sure it would keep. It has broccoli, parmesan, and pine nuts, marinated in a combo of olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, margarine, lemon juice, and just about every herb and non-hot spice in the cabinet.

Carnivorous offerings included smoked turkey, prime rib, and a beef Wellington that only appeared after most of us had eaten.

I sat for dinner next to the autistic grand-nephew who's now in his 20s and whose social skills have made impressive leaps in the last few years. I'm quite proud of him.

Afterwards, most of the family contingent drove by appointment to the nearby rehab facility where the patriarch, hostess's father, is recovering from physical difficulties and also beginning to suffer from dementia. We met him in a largish room set aside for such gatherings. He was in good cheer and easy to talk to, though he was having difficulty remembering who people were, even his own son. A sad situation.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Christopher Tolkien conference

Thursday was the centenary of the birth of Christopher Tolkien, son and literary executor of JRRT, and the man responsible - directly or indirectly - for all of the books that have come out in the last fifty years since JRRT's death with his name on them. The amount of, often very interesting, unpublished material that JRRT left behind him is very large, possibly unparalleled among major authors; and the amount of dedication displayed by CT towards that material is definitely unparalleled.

So the Tolkien Society held an online conference on Zoom last weekend to celebrate him. Being UK-based, it had rather odd time fixes over here. It started at 2 or 3 AM and finished around noon. Being often up in the middle of the night, I heard some of the early papers, but then I'd go back to bed again and missed more. Of the 28 presentations given, I heard all or part of 17.

More than half of the presentations I heard were personal testimonies of "how I worked with Christopher Tolkien." Someone described him as an 'editor-in-chief' and indeed he subcontracted out much of the work. People like Christopher Gilson, who's edited linguistic material, and Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond, who've edited everything, told much the same story: how their correspondence or conversation with CT led to him suggesting they might want to edit something, or at least have some suggestions as to how it might be presented in print, and that this led to a long collaboration in which CT would send photocopies of papers in his possession, carefully annotated (this page is the verso of that page; this part is in red ink; etc.), and showed infinite patience and tolerance for detail in answering questions, but his determination that the work be done right was inflexible.

There were several of these, and the same principle applied to talks by artists who've illustrated the work (Alan Lee and Ted Nasmith), to CT's own editor at his publishing house, and most interestingly to the archivist at Marquette University, where JRRT sold many of his manuscripts back in the 1950s. The talk was mostly a historical account. Not much attention was paid to these papers until CT started to need to consult them for his own work, and he developed a good relationship with the then-archivist. But what CT really needed, especially as his focus on the Marquette material increased, was a dedicated and knowledgeable on-the-spot assistant with the time and energy to do the work. And he got one: the late Taum Santoski. I knew Taum personally, though not as well as some, and I'm delighted he's received this attention in a talk that was almost more about him than about CT.

Other papers were about the work that CT did, some just generally about it being there and implying his importance by the fact that he put it out, but others focusing on the work he did and the complex interlayering of JRRT's basic writings, JRRT's commentaries on them, CT's comments on each, his arrangements of the material and his selections of them. (It's estimated that the four huge volumes on the writing of The Lord of the Rings contain only about 40% of what JRRT wrote.) Then there's the complexity of JRRT's work - the recastings, the revisions and erasures, the stories where the characters misunderstand the lore they've been told, the parts where JRRT himself wasn't sure what the answer was ... and CT's careful presentation of it all. Two papers, by Sara Brown and Kristine Larsen, discussed the Athrabeth, a key text in the legendarium, analyzing all of the layers of writing and the choices involved in editing it, and they and Verlyn Flieger emphasized even CT's courage in publishing this thing, which cut down to the bedrock of the fictional universe and touched the author's own deepest religious beliefs. I got the impression, listening to Sara and Kris speak and reading the chat function, that the mere existence of the Athrabeth was news to a lot of the attendees. There's a lot of exploring yet to be done, so let's get on and do it.

Friday, November 22, 2024

what's up

1. It's been raining, a little. Not quite the first storm of the season, as one hit while I was in LA (where it did not rain at all). Owing to Berkeley's more exposed location, I should have expected it'd be worse there went I went to see The Magic Flute on Wednesday. It wasn't so much that it was cold and drizzly as that it was windy. When I emerged from the BART station, my original plan had been to walk 3/4 of a block in one direction for dinner before coming back and walking 1 1/2 blocks in another direction to the theater. But both weather conditions and (as it turned out) time available argued against that, so I walked directly towards the theater in hopes I'd find a quick place to eat that way. On previous occasions I've stopped at a little East Asian place that serves the blandest chicken and rice imaginable, but this time I noticed an outlet of a local chain that does sub sandwiches. I don't really like subs, but I went in anyway and ordered one on their screen ordering device, then did what I usually do with meat sandwiches, which is take them apart and eat the pieces separately.

2. I do the crossword puzzles in the magazines I subscribe to. (Just in print; I've never figured out how to do an online crossword.) I fill out as much as I can, then hand it to B. who can usually do all the rest. But yesterday I could not hand it over, because for the first time in my life I succeeded at finishing a crossword puzzle. It was the one in The Week for Nov. 22. It didn't have any particularly clever clues, but it did tempt me with a few clues that were screamingly obvious, at least to me, like "Debussy composition whose title means 'The Sea'" and "Country between Ukraine and Romania."

3. I'm reviewing a Very Difficult symphony on Saturday. I know the work, but not as well as I'd need to. So I've been listening and re-listening to recordings, with online scores and with commentary from the books I have on the composer. In addition to being Very Difficult, it's also Very Long, so this is taking a while.

4. We bought a new tv set. Our old one, which must be at least 20 years old, was fading in color saturation. I confirmed with Consumer Reports that Samsung, which we had, was still the best brand for smaller sets (our new one is 32", just small enough to fit on the table we put it on), and I went down to Best Buy - the independent retail appliance stores around here are mostly gone - and bought one off the shelf. To my astonishment, all the cables from the old one still fit the new one. What we had problems with was the new feature, access to streaming services. Some of the ones we have subscriptions to worked OK, others failed loading in eccentric ways. That was the first day. Over the next couple of days, they got better. Still, the number of times I had to enter a code from the screen into the company's web site on my tablet before it would let me in was irksome.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

opera review: The Magic Flute again

Last June, I went to the San Francisco Opera's Magic Flute, which I found so boring and dreary that I got up at intermission and never went back.

This week I decided to give Mozart's wayward opera a chance again with The Matchbox Magic Flute, adapted and directed by Mary Zimmerman and given by Berkeley Rep, which is a theater company and not an opera company, and it did sound like it.

That's part of what made it "matchbox." The word meant that it was small-scale: designed for a small theater, cut down to two hours instead of three, minor characters as well as plot distractions and lengthy dialogue disposed of, simple staging, a pit band of only five players, and singers who would have been more at home in musical theater than grand opera. But since The Magic Flute is a Singspiel and not an opera, that's appropriate.

Kosman hated it: he claimed that it retained the original's entire pointless plot (not true) and that the singers weren't up to the music. It's certainly true that Mariene Fernandez as Pamina was the only one who sounded like an opera singer, and that Emily Rohm was too weak in her high notes for such a powerhouse part as the Queen of the Night. But I attend enough musical theater, and dislike operatic grandiosity for its own sake enough, that I didn't mind that. What I really regretted was that most of the singers didn't have clear enough enunciation and it was hard to make out the words. Usually opera companies put up supertitles, but since Berkeley Rep isn't an opera company, they didn't. The Lamplighters, the local Gilbert & Sullivan group, do use supertitles even though their singers all have outstandingly clear enunciation. The only performer in this cast who sounded as clear as that was Shawn Pfautsch as Papageno, who has done G&S.

But was it fun to watch? Yes! It was clever and witty and charming and I had a good time. Zimmerman's translation, insofar as I could make it out, was naturally phrased and fit the music well. I liked the sly contemporary references, and making Papageno into a bird himself, not just a bird-catcher, meant that he could be silenced by removing the beak that he otherwise wore (and when, while wearing it, he was offered some wine, he drank it like one of those bobbing duck toys).

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

concert review: San Jose Chamber Orchestra

I attended and reviewed an unexpectedly unusual concert on Sunday. Here, the headline my editors put on it says it all: San Jose Chamber Orchestra Plays Two Works With Three Conductors.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

musical events

Not really concerts as I normally go to them, but certainly musical:

1) Caroline Shaw and Gabriel Kahane
This was at Herbst and sponsored by the classical promoter, and the performers both have classical credentials, but it was more like a singer-songwriter event at the Freight, not least in consisting of one set lasting just over an hour. Kahane, at piano, and Shaw, sometimes with viola, sang and played reflective and ruminative songs they'd severally and jointly written, many of them forming a cycle called "Hexagons" whose lyrics set them in Borges's Library of Babel. That made it a pretty high-culture event, even by Freight standards, but the music didn't indulge in any of the post-modernist abstractions both composers are known for. It would have fit right in with the more ethereal and thoughtful performers at the Freight, much more than it did with anything else I hear at Herbst.

2) Palo Alto Players, Fiddler on the Roof
It's been a while since I've seen a production of this; happy to do so again. The first thing you need for this show is a Tevye with real stage presence, and in Joey McDaniel they had that. Golde (Brittney Mignano) was strong; the girls (Gabrielle Goodman, Madelyn Davis-Haddad, Teagan Murphy) did a great job with "Matchmaker Matchmaker"; Yente (Marsha van Broek) was emphatically Yenteish to the delight of all; Fruma-Sarah (Marie Finch) loomed adequately; Motel (Joe Steely) sang a better "Miracle of Miracles" than the song deserved. But in a show like this there always has to be one performer who can't sing. This was Perchik. He acted his part very well, but ... he could not sing.
Despite a large cast, a little thin-sounding in the ensemble numbers, but well-staged, good costumes, an enjoyable show. Playing through Nov. 24 at Lucie Stern.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Fantasy: Realms of Imagination

And the other artistic expedition that I made on my trip to LA was to venture down to the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, because it was hosting the touring version of the British Library exhibit by the above title.

A couple hundred items in four or five rooms, mostly books and manuscripts (usually from the BL collection) but a fair number of media items, less illustrations (though there were some of those) than screens showing videos. Some of these were talks of the interview sort with authors, of whom the only one I knew was Terri Windling. But there were also some clips from movies and tv shows, ranging from the 1910 Wizard of Oz film to a clip from Buffy (Tara running away from the Gentlemen).

At one end of one room was a 14th-century manuscript of the Iliad, at the other a 1983 kit for Dungeons & Dragons. That'll give you an idea of the scope and range. No single author got more than minimal attention. CSL had an early US edition of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and a copy of the poster of Pauline Baynes's Narnia map. Tolkien had a first edition of The Hobbit, open to Thror's Map, and a Swedish translation open to an illustration by Tove Jansson depicting Gollum as a giant troll-like blob. The caption astutely noted that Tolkien subsequently added the adjective "small" to Gollum's description, but it leaves the impression that Jansson was the only artist who made this strange interpretation: no, she wasn't.

Manuscripts included the faint pencil of a page from The Wind in the Willows, a typescript page with extensive pen changes from Macdonald's Lilith, and the notebook in which Le Guin wrote the first draft of A Wizard of Earthsea, placed so far back in the case it was not possible to read any of it.

Such a circumstance was the locale of the one factual error I found in the caption. It said we were looking at the "original manuscript" of Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic, but it wasn't. It was the galley proofs. I mentioned this to the clerk in the exhibit gift shop, figuring to get a shrug, but no, she was a former part-time English lit grad student who was very interested and promised to pass this on, though I had to explain both what galley proofs were and why they're called that.

I wasn't in a position to say what really bothered me about the way the exhibit was presented, which was its depiction of all these assorted authors as if they were engaged in a conscious group project, each contributing a stone or two to a vast edifice. But at least until the advent of a publishing genre of original fantasy in the 1970s (or earlier if limited to sword and sorcery), the characteristic of literary fantasy was that, though authors were intermittently aware of and admiring of one another, each plowed their own furrow; they were distinctive for their individuality. There was no "group project" about it and it belittles them and the field to suggest there was.

That there was something naive and belittling about the entire thing was communicated by the animated illustration at the entrance. It was of a unicorn, depicted as a horse with a horn in its forehead. There's more to a unicorn than that, but I'm not going to bother saying so.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


In a living room east of LA on Monday afternoon, five locals who are Mythopoeic Society regulars but were not able to attend this year's Mythcon gathered to hear me, come down from NorCal for the occasion, give my paper from this year's Mythcon on one of the most elusive and atypical Inklings, CSL's pupil John Wain.

I described how he didn't fit in with the Inklings, how he didn't fit in with the younger writers of his own generation with whom he's most associated, and then described some of his novels (modern realist, decidedly not fantasy, except insofar as he's deluding himself about human behavior), all of which I've read. Some I thought casually worthwhile, others are ... not.

After the paper, and some supplementary prepared contributions to panels at Mythcon, and much discussion among the Mini-atures, we adjourned for dinner at a local roastery. And a Good Time was had by all.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

concert review: blech

Having another free evening in LA, searching the events listings beforehand I found what I thought would be a Rodgers and Hammerstein revue.

It wasn’t. When I arrived, at the PAC at a community college in the Pomona Valley near where I am staying, it was billed as a tribute to the Great American Songbook, but what it actually was, was jazz vocals. You know the kind, where the singers unpleasantly distort the melody, then hand it over to the instrumentalists, who distort it further to the point of unrecognizability. This is why I hate jazz. I stuck out the 90 minutes, more because I was curious as to what songs they’d maul than eagerness to hear them maul them. (There was no set list in the program booklet, which was only available by QR code anyway, and from the age of the audience I doubt I was the only person there who couldn’t access it, though I was apparently the only one who raised enough of a fuss about it that the assistant manager let me look at her phone.)

Anyway, the singers, Benny Benack III and Stella Cole, semi-performed three R&H songs, Some Enchanted Evening, The Sound of Music, and Getting to Know You; a bunch of other Broadway musical theatre songs of that era (I Could Have Danced All Night, Till There Was You, Almost Like Being in Love, Hello Dolly and Food Glorious Food - a bit later date, those two - and a few others, almost all of which I knew), and a few songs from movies (including Moon River and Over the Rainbow, both of which Stella liked so much she sang them almost straight) and a few other miscellanea.

Not a great use of my time.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Sondheim Festival VII: Pacific Overtures

I attended a whole sheaf of productions of Sondheim shows in the first half of last year; here's a supplement. It was Pacific Overtures, a show rarely done, perhaps because it requires a cast of Asian ethnicities, and all-Asian theater companies are not thick on the ground, perhaps? I don't know. But the East West Players in Los Angeles is such a troupe, and I caught the first preview performance of their new production - it runs through December 1 - on my current trip to LA. I'd encourage anyone in LA who's interested in this kind of theater to go; it's one of the best Sondheim productions I've seen.

So Pacific Overtures - with "Pacific" meaning peaceful, not the ocean, and "Overtures" meaning introductory offers, not what comes before an opera, phrase taken from a letter by Commodore Perry, tells the story of the 1850s opening of Japan to Western contact, almost entirely from the Japanese point of view, with the rest being what the Japanese might imagine the Americans and other Westerners are like. Despite some tragic events, it's mostly comic, even silly, almost slapstick, and I'm almost surprised that the Japanese don't object to this Western portrait of their ancestors.

For most of the plot, the Japanese are just trying to make the Westerners go away, Perry and his ships in the first act and various others following in his wake in the second act. Things get hairy - there's a nasty scene, reminiscent of something from Sweeney Todd, where three British sailors - played, like all the Westerners, by regular cast members in masks - menace a high-ranking Japanese woman pursuant to her rape, but at the end the Emperor takes charge, officially bans rejection of the visitors and the scene segues into a quick closing account of all that Japan and Japanese people have accomplished since adopting Western ways, though the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere doesn't get a reference.

The music is perhaps vaguely Japanese in style without being pentatonic, with interjections of what I guess was authentic Japanese folk music, but what struck me was the lyrics with echoes of the Sondheim writing style from shows like Into the Woods (especially the ensemble opening number) and Sunday in the Park with George.

But oh, the production! Brilliantly colorful costumes, ingenious staging of characters sometimes speaking for each other, and the most fervent and dedicated acting and singing. The song that struck me as the best in the show depicted the shogun's advisors considering how to react to Perry's arrival. I thought about posting a link to a recording, but none of the performers of the principal part I found online were even close to a match for the delight of hearing and seeing Gedde Watanabe (who was actually in a small part in the show's original production in 1976) perform it onstage last night. And they were all like that, with special marks to Jon Jon Briones as the Reciter, the principal character.

This was a winner. Go see it if you're anywhere in the area. Through December 1. Ticket info at the company web site.

Friday, November 8, 2024

concert review: Jerusalem Quartet

Joshua Kosman, retired newspaper reviewer who's now blogging, is "at the moment struggling to imagine what purpose is served by going to concerts, listening to music, and thinking and writing about it" in our new authoritarian reality.

I look at it differently. I see music as a refuge, a - not a "comfort," that's too facile - but a means for healing and enriching the soul. Even music that's dissonant can do that. That's why I posted a link to A Child of Our Time on Wednesday, and that I think is the point of having any form of art at all.

Which is why I went with cheerful anticipation to this concert by a string quartet group I knew nothing about. They're four men from Israel, a country whose exports some would prefer to boycott, though how avoiding its cultural features would help the people in Gaza is not clear to me. Perhaps it's just to chide the entire country for having an obnoxious government, though if that's the motive then come January I'd have to start boycotting myself, and I'm not sure how I would do that.

So I just ignored that point. This concert ought to have been in Herbst, but there was a scheduling conflict after the performers had to change their date, so it was moved to the large(r of the) halls at the San Francisco Conservatory down the street, a much better venue than it looks. They played Haydn's Op 50/1, a lively piece, Dvorak's Op 106, an expansive one, and Shostakovich's Twelfth. Shostakovich's Twelfth is in D-flat major, an insane key to write for strings in, but I think Shostakovich had a plan, if he lived long enough (which he didn't), to write a string quartet in each key, like The Well-Tempered Clavier. As for why this one, apparently the Jerusalem Quartet is working its way through a Shostakovich cycle, and this was just the Twelfth's turn to come up.

This is the work which begins with an attempt to write twelve-tone music, but soon enough the composer gives it up and goes back to writing like Shostakovich. It was at this point that it became crystal clear what the Jerusalem Quartet is good for, and that's for playing fast loud passages in unison. They simply burn the carpet. Something similar had been revealed in the Haydn, not in unison but in a quick forte exchange, where despite the quartet's serious mien they passed the phrases around with the vim and vigor of children playing with a ball.

And so it was a pretty good concert, and I preceded it with trying out for dinner a nearby Burmese restaurant (hey, this is San Francisco - we have every national culture in the world) of some reputation, where I had Strange Catfish (not its name, but should have been).

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

responsive music for a troubled time

Michael Tippett, A Child of Our Time

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

concert review: California Symphony

I think that Mason Bates's update to the Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra was supposed to be the highlight of this concert, but the Brahms Fourth Symphony took that prize instead, in my ears, so that became the focus of my review.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

concert review: Redwood Symphony

What is this? It's the entire bassoon section of the Redwood Symphony dressed as gnomes for the orchestra's Halloween concert. Everybody was dressed up: they were conducted by a pirate, and Batman played the timpani.

And I reviewed it.

Watching ten small children, each bearing a souvenir baton, escorted in turn up to the podium for 30-second stints "conducting" a Sousa march - it reminded me of the old joke of a conductor with a small piece of paper on the music stand in front of him which proved to read "Wave hands around until music stops." The main point of the exercise, of course, was for their parents to take photos.

Friday, November 1, 2024

return to history

Unruly: The Ridiculous History of England's Kings and Queens, by David Mitchell (Crown, 2023)

David Mitchell is a British comedian, tv panelist, and writer whom I think is not well-known in the US. I know his screen work exclusively from clips on YouTube. But I'm aware that he's both very funny in a ruthlessly logical way and extremely intelligent, so I picked up this book which is a history of English monarchs from post-Roman times up through Elizabeth I, which is when, Michell says, royal history became too much of a subset of general history to be worth pursuing.

Reviews describe this as a humorous book, but while it does have some comic digressions in the manner of John Oliver, it's mostly an entirely serious historical account; it's the way that it's told that's funny; and this appeals to me, for though my style is different and I'm nowhere near as good as Mitchell, that's similar to the effect I aim at when writing informally about history myself.

Mitchell has a main theme which becomes more explicit as the book goes along, which is an analysis of the whole point of having a king, what good does it do to have one in a medieval society. And he measures the kings he discusses in terms of how well they succeed at those aims.

I'll leave that analysis to him, but I would like to quote extracts from his extraordinarily level-headed (i.e. he agrees with me) evaluations of some of the more challenging historical problems of the period.

On whether King Arthur actually existed:
Some people will still say he might have existed, but the sort of person they say he might have been is so far removed from King Arthur in any of the forms we understand him that it feels like they're just saying he didn't exist in a different way. Perhaps a Roman officer who served in Britain, or a Romano-British chieftain, or a Welsh king. Someone like that, the idea goes, might have been the bit of real grit in the imagination oyster that turned into the Arthurian pearl. Personally, I don't think imagination oysters need real grit any more than metaphorical bonnets need real bees.
On whether Richard III was really a bad guy:
It's well established, then, that the Tudors worked hard to make Richard III look bad. Too well established. People in modern times got a bit overexcited about it and started to jump to the contrary conclusion that Richard was, in fact, lovely. This is a bit of a leap. The lamentable problem that you can't believe everything you're told is not solved by merely believing the polar opposite. I find all this a bit daft. It's nice to take an active interest in history. But we don't and can't really know these people. The truth is lost under centuries of propaganda and then centuries of contrarian rejection of it.
This is an amazing, entertaining, and useful history book.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

soup for dinner

When B. and I were up in Ashland, Oregon, last June, I stopped in a grocers that carried interesting stuff that I didn't see at home. I bought several packets of a northwest brand of soup fixings - one envelope of pasta or beans, another one of seasonings, a recipe card inside.

It was hard to believe, in June, that it would ever again be cold enough for soup for dinner to be desirable, but at last it's come. I got down the bag from the back of the pantry where the packets had been sitting all these months, pulled out the basic chicken noodle soup mix, and made it. Of course it expected you to add chicken, but on the back of the card there were some additional suggestions, one of which was a cup of fresh vegetables: "We like summer squash & broccoli." Substitute zucchini for the summer squash and it not only sounds good to me, I was already planning to put those in before I saw the back of the card.

So that was our nice small dinner, and I'll make the others soon.

And that was our Halloween. No trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood in recent years, so no costumes, no decorations, no candy, no lights on, just a normal evening at home.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

no, el coward

Our play-reading group just finished our second play by Noël Coward. We've all agreed that it will be our last.

Some time ago we read Blithe Spirit, and despite the degree that it's about the staging rather than the dialogue, we enjoyed it and decided to pick another one some time. I argued against Present Laughter, because I'd watched a tv presentation of that and found it boring and tedious, despite the fact that it starred Kevin Kline. The amount of bad writing required to make Kevin Kline boring and tedious is unimaginable.

Instead, we picked Private Lives, which as a play with only four characters (essentially: there's a maid with a brief walkon) was ideal for a four-reader group. It's the one about a divorced couple who run into each other while each on their honeymoon with a new partner, who rediscover first why they got married in the first place and then why they got divorced.

But no, it's more than that. They actually reunite, then split up again, then reunite again, meanwhile revealing themselves as both truly unpleasant people whom we felt bespoiled by trying to impersonate by reading their lines. This is the play with the infamous line so beloved by Brett Kavanaugh's frat brothers, "Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs."

It should be noted that the woman addressed replies to the man saying it, "You're an unmitigated cad, and a bully." But he returns, "And you're an ill-mannered, bad-tempered slattern." We couldn't say that either of them were wrong.

As the play went on it turned out that the discarded partners, instead of sympathetic innocents, are just as bad as the other two. And we noticed retrospectively how the general air of nastiness and inhumanity infects Blithe Spirit as well: it was just disguised by the comic situation. This one is not so well-disguised. Coward's world turns out to be an unpleasant one we just don't want to spend any more time in, and so, no more.

And so, having done all of Shakespeare's history plays, we're turning to Marlowe's Edward II. Those people are also nasty and brutish, but they're not pretending to be oh-so-cleverly witty about it, and that makes all the difference.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

concert review: Other Minds

The Complete Piano Sonatas of Galina Ustvolskaya
Conor Hanick, piano

This was a concert so profoundly unusual and interesting that I felt compelled to go to it. Other Minds is a sponsor that does offbeat modern music events; I've been to them occasionally before. For this one, they rented the Freight & Salvage in Berkeley.

Ustvolskaya was a Soviet-era composer who was a pupil of Shostakovich (he had a crush on her, as he did on most of his female pupils, but nothing came of it). But her music is not like his; in truth it's not like much of anything else, and she was even more insistent on her own uniqueness than is justified by the music.

Her output is small. She wrote six piano sonatas over the course of her career, four in 1947-57 and the other two in 1986-88. What I learned from this concert was how different the two subsets are: I'll explain that. There are recordings of these pieces, but the impact of hearing them live is incomparable.

After a half-hour talk on Ustvolskaya by musicologist Simon Morrison and a brief break, Hanick sat down and played all six sonatas without a break, only stopping long enough to take his hands briefly from the keyboard between works: one solid 70-minute wad of music.

It takes something really good to keep from being wearying over that time. Not only was Hanick a solid and vivid pianist (and the Freight's acoustics are wonderfully clear for piano music), but it was constantly evident throughout that this was music of great substance and thought, no matter how uningratiating it was - and it was, very. The contrast could not have been greater with certain renowned modern composers whose difficult music is empty and void of anything except challenges to the performers.

From the beginning, Ustvolskaya's music was tough and brutal. Someone dubbed her "the lady with the hammer." Yet throughout the early sonatas, there were quiet and tender passages as well. The variety was part of what kept the flow working. Though the music held interest and was obviously of intellectual substance, I was not sure if I was really connecting with it on a visceral level.

This changed when we got to the last two sonatas. If the earlier music was tough and harsh, this was tougher and harsher. Hanick slammed the keys down, and even employed his forearm to play tone clusters - not for the gentle washes of sound that Henry Cowell, their inventor, had done, but for the ferocious clang that people think they're for.

It was at this point in her career that Ustvolskaya started employing insistent repetitions of notes and phrases, always at top volume, that put tremendous tension and drive into the music. This is what caused one critic to dub her an exponent of "sado-minimalism," a term whose cleverness can't disguise that it's inapt for both of its components. Though severe, it isn't painful, and there's nothing of the absorbent trance of canonical minimalism.

Though you'd think I'd be beginning to be tired out from all this, instead I found my interest renewed and refreshed, absorbed and captivated by this hard but very human stuff. It spoke a strange and hard language, but it spoke clearly and compellingly. I'm not sure I'd want to listen to it again soon, but I'm oh so glad I did, and was I ever artistically satisfied by the evening.

Monday, October 28, 2024

concert review: Voices of Silicon Valley

This was the 10th anniversary celebration of a little (17-voice) local acappella choir that I hadn't heard of before. SFCV actually promoted this concert, though they haven't reviewed it, at least the first performance (I went to the second, yesterday). But what inspired me to go was that my old friend K., who's belonged to other local choirs, has joined this one. I think she felt it was more her style.

Its style is an offbeat combination of avant-garde experimental pieces and epically tuneful musical excerpts from video games.* The main work on the program was Bits torn from words by Peter S. Shin, which has lyrics but mostly consists of oohs and ahhs overlaid on each other in complicated ways. It sounds great in the recording by the famed avant-garde choir Roomful of Teeth. But though VoSV sang this challenging piece with fair competence, they lacked the artistic flair needed to put it across effectively. Nice try, though.

I was much more impressed with the premiere of a commission from one of their own tenors, Alexander Frank. Describing the work beforehand in a talk that deserved the title Chatter as much as the composition did, Frank said that, because the work consists entirely of spoken words, he does not classify it as music, but as 'voice.'

Oh, I thought, I wish my old buddy V. were alive to hear that. She and I used to have intense arguments about this. I said that certain types of aural compositions were not music, not to denigrate them but to classify them properly, because they needed to be listened to differently in order to be appreciated. (Imagine listening to the 'music' in, say, a Shakespeare soliloquy as if it actually were a musical composition. It would just be wayward and irritating.) V. insisted it was all music; music is the whole sphere, it's not differentiated. I would say fine, in that case we need another word to describe what the term 'music' used to mean. I suggest 'music,' and for the larger category of organized sound, something like 'organized sound.'

Anyway, it sounds like Frank agrees with me. His composition was a fascinating collage of mostly unintelligible chatter. It began with everybody talking at once, like the sound of a restaurant full of diners, and then reduced to a few voices, then increased again. Sometimes a couple voices would talk in unison. It was not music because there was no melody, no harmony; but there was rhythm and timbre and there was certainly multiplicity of line if not exactly counterpoint, and as with other such works I've heard (Varese's Ionisation for percussion ensemble) I found myself absorbed by those elements, though I would not wish the piece to go on any longer than it did.

More conventionally, VoSV sang a piece called The House of Belonging by Jeffrey Derus, one of those efforts in which the words are stuffed awkwardly into music which they don't quite fit; and Friede auf Erden by Arnold Schoenberg, in German.

Their pianist, whose role was mostly to serve as a pitch pipe, though she did accompany a couple of pieces, also played a solo piano work, one of the most totally useless pieces of music I have ever heard. Its sole point seemed to be to proceed slowly down the entire keyboard from the top note to the bottom.

After intermission there was a brief interjected set by a local high school choir, who did pretty well for themselves. Their set included a motet by Josef Rheinberger, a 19C figure who's the most renowned composer from Liechtenstein, but their most challenging and effective piece was a setting of the Lamentations of Jeremiah by the noted living American choral composer Z. Randall Stroope. Then they joined VoSV at the end for the grand finale, a nice arrangement of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."

The first performance had been at the Hammer Theatre in San Jose, but I skipped that both for scheduling reasons and to avoid Hammer's dodgy acoustics, preferring the venue of the small and friendly, if perishingly cold, Tateuchi Hall in Mountain View. I might have been better off at Hammer. The chorus was miked, which in a hall as small as Tateuchi led to an overload of sound, with a couple of the sopranos (not K.) shrieking unpleasantly.

I think the choir strove for more than they could do here, but some of it came off well, and it's the striving that's important, right?

Credits: VoSV artistic director and conductor, Cyril Deaconoff. Pianist, Ting Chang. High school choir, Saratoga. Its director, Beth Nitzan.

*They sang themes from Genshin Impact and Portal 2, not that either of those names means anything to me, but I know that if I don't mention it, someone will ask. They also sang, with boombox-style accompaniment, music from Gladiator, which if it's not a video game, ought to be.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

concert review: Esmé Quartet

I heard this group two-and-a-half years ago, in their North American debut, at which time they consisted of four young women from Korea who had been studying in Germany. Now they consist of three of those women plus a man from Belgium, and they're not in Germany any more, they're right here in San Francisco, having all four been hired to teach at the San Francisco Conservatory, which is some six blocks down the street from the Herbst Theatre where both of these concerts were held.

At the previous concert they gave a stunningly effective performance of Dvořák's Op 106, a work which doesn't always come off that well. So how would they do this time with Schubert's G Major, which is one of the most lyrical quartets in the repertoire? Oh, one felt floating along in a timeless state of bliss listening to this lengthy work: the combination of lyricism and drive was superb. Here: this is a very fine video of the previous Esmé lineup playing this work, and it will give you something of an idea.

I was particularly pleased with the forte outbursts in the first movement, which had the bite and drama one associates with Schubert's previous quartet, "Death and the Maiden," and by the fast rondo of the finale, which had the momentum of a waterwheel or of a snowball rolling unobstructed downhill: it was as if it was being driven by the force of gravity.

Yet even more remarkable, by the same standards, was the rest of the program. Mozart's D Major Quartet, K. 575, one of his late "Prussian" Quartets, rose above any routine Mozart scribbling with an elegant sense of gracefulness and an unending emphasis on the lyric flow. Astonishingly, the same thing was true of Ligeti's First, a tiresome collection of random 1950s avant-garde tricks strung together. No matter how gritty, fragmented, dissonant, or harsh the music, the Esmé players found that lyrical flow of a melodic line. It was an astonishingly graceful performance, unlike anything I've heard in this work before. It didn't make me like Ligeti any better, but it further cemented my admiration for Esmé.

For an encore, despite now being only 3/4 Korean, they played a piece of Korean folk music, which in its ceaseless presentation of bent note slides outdid even Ligeti in weird modernism.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

smashing pumpkins

Article (paywalled) about what to do with your jack-o-lantern after Halloween.

Don't put it in the garbage; it will just release methane from the landfill. Compost it, or donate it to be fed to pigs or other omnivores, or take it to a pumpkin-smashing event, after which they'll compost it.

I thought with sorrow of all the ex-jack-o-lanterns I dumped in the garbage after past Halloweens, because I didn't know any better and knew of nothing else I could do. We did keep a compost heap for a short period, but I quit because it was not something I could manage, and it wasn't large enough to have taken a whole pumpkin in a short period anyway.

But a few years ago, our garbage can was replaced with one with a separate compartment for food scraps, which I think go to the omnivores. And I would be happy to put the pumpkin in that, if we still kept a jack-o-lantern. But the number of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, once hefty, trickled to a near-stop years ago, so now we just turn the lights off and go to bed early on Halloween. No candy that we'd only have to eat ourselves, and no decorations and no jack-o-lanterns.

But it's nice to know what we should do if we did it.

Friday, October 25, 2024

and the trivia goes on

So Anna Kendrick was on Stephen Colbert's show a day or two ago, to promote her new movie Woman of the Hour (which I've actually seen: it's on Netflix), the true story of a woman who goes as a contestant on The Dating Game not knowing that one of the three eligible bachelors is a serial killer. (And what happens then? Stephen: "The person you play, was that a real person?" Anna: "Yes." Stephen: "And was she OK?" Anna: "Stephen! Premise of the film!")

She's talking about, having already been cast in the lead role, she applied for and won the vacant position of director, though she'd never directed a film before. She was having an internal debate on whether to apply or not, and described it (4:08-4:22) as "a Gollum/Smeagol battle of who's going to win out here."

Now that was interesting, because not only did she make the comparison, but she did so aptly: Gollum v. Smeagol is an internal debate within one person, not (as some viewers of the movie might presume) between two different personas in a multiple-personality case. Good for her.

And also, she pronounced "Gollum" correctly, whereas Colbert in response (4:35) is still saying "Golem." I wish someone would correct him on air about that. Isaac Asimov was once on The Tonight Show, and was irritated by Carson pronouncing his name "EYE-ZAK", so he fantasized about calling his host "JOE-NEE" but didn't have the nerve.

Colbert didn't know he was engaged in a Lord of the Rings trivia contest last night, but he lost it to Anna Kendrick.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

more corrections

A few years ago, I cobbled together a series of corrections and additions I'd accumulated over the years for a major article I'd published about 30 years ago. I sent those updates to the original journal, two editors later, and they published it.

I've just learned of another correction that I would have included had I known about it. Another researcher, plunging into related topics, tried to order by ILL a copy of a rare article I had cited and was told that no article of that kind existed in the named issue or anywhere near it. She wrote to me and asked for help finding it.

I had received this article by photocopy from - someone else, I don't remember whom. It had no publication information on it. Where I got the citation from, I don't know either: probably the person who supplied it. But this was evidently wrong. I applied a little clever research skill and was able to determine that the article was actually five years older than I'd been told, 1976 instead of 1981.

I sent this information to the enquirer, along with a PDF of the photocopy, which came from some material I've kept in my handy file drawers all these years. She was greatly appreciative.

For a further trick, I went to a local university library which is one of the few holders of a book that one of my "Year's Work in Tolkien Studies" writers needs but which she can't get from her college's ILL, which evidently charges by the search, like the old Dialog service did. Fortunately the local university library has a usable scanner, and fortunate also that I needed only two chapters from the book. One more PDF.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

those ruddy bastards

I'm really annoyed.

I was in LA in mid-August, and on Sunday morning (this was the 18th) decided to drive over to a favorite used book store in east Hollywood, because I'd been there the previous day and noticed signs saying they were having a big all-hands sale the following day.

This is what transpired, taken from my blog report of the trip. "Traffic was fine until I got to Hollywood, where something was going on. Streets were closed and the traffic was packed. It took me 15 minutes to travel five blocks." I was eventually able to turn off on to a side street a few blocks from the bookstore where, to my surprise, I found available parking. The bookstore itself was not over-crowded, and I took twisty and mystifying back streets through the Hollywood hills to get out of there. But the experience was so shattering that, once I got back to my hotel, I spent the rest of the day recuperating, and got out of LA first thing the next morning instead of in the afternoon as I'd intended.

I've just now found out what caused the congestion. I was reading an article on Slate about the future of LA traffic, and found a reference to "CicLAvia, an enormous, movable parade that runs through different parts of Los Angeles some eight times a year and draws about 50,000 participants. Six miles of streets open up to pedestrians, cyclists, joggers, roller bladers, and wheelchair users, with traffic barred at some intersections and directed by police at others."

I'd never heard of this before, but I thought, "eight times a year ... could it ...?" so I looked it up and yep, it did. Sunday, August 18, it was going right through Hollywood, just one long block away from the street my bookstore was on.

And I repeat: I'd never heard of this, either the specific event or the program in general. Nobody had told me.

My absolute opposition to protesters blocking streets to force the public to suffer for some cause does allow for an acceptance of pre-planned parades. You know they're coming, where they're going, when they will stop, and that police will monitor them; travelers can plan around them. But not if they haven't heard about them. I visit LA fairly often, but I'm only a visitor. This project has apparently been going on for some time, but I'd never heard about it. There were no temporary street signs up a block away, even on Saturday, saying "warning: the streets will be congested and Hollywood Boulevard will be entirely closed on Sunday the 18th." There was nothing on the signs in the bookstore announcing the sale adding, "You might want to think twice about trying to get here that day, though."

Now I know. Whenever I go to LA in the future, I'll have to check ahead and see if there's one of those closures going on, the same way I check to see if there are any wildfires going on in the hills near where I'll be. But when it actually hit me, I didn't know. Those ruddy, ruddy bastards.

Monday, October 21, 2024

concert review: Borromeo Quartet

Borromeo Qt. L to R: Yeesun Kim, vc; Kristopher Tong, 2v; Melissa Reardon, va; Nicholas Kitchen, 1v

Sunday evening I went up to Kohl Mansion to hear the Borromeo Quartet in the first concert of the chamber music season in their magnificent Great Hall, a sort of drawing room on which a platform has been placed on the mid side, so that people in all the chairs surrounding it can see; there's no trouble with hearing. In fact, the acoustics are stunning, which brought particular vividness to this particular performance.

This was an exceedingly serious string quartet concert. The repertoire had its lighter moments - Beethoven's Op. 135 is often seen as a reversion to his clever Haydnesque youth with the greater perspective of maturity; and Sibelius's Voces Intimae Quartet has a couple of lighter and bouncier movements. But they didn't come out that way this time. Nor did the darker portions - the slow movements of both works are potentially emotionally intense, but they had a much drier interpretation here.

The Borromeo Quartet play with a hard crispness that's really best suited for the high modernist 20th century repertoire. They're known for their penetrating Bartok, and I'd be fascinated by what they could make out of Shostakovich. But when they play Romantic or Classical works with that style, it makes the music feel high modernist even if it doesn't actually sound anything like it. They have sprightliness and clarity, but only at a couple small moments - notably the pizzicato moment that almost concludes the Beethoven - was there even a trace of the lightness or wit inherent in the music. They have awesome drive and exactness of control, which expressed itself most clearly in the finales. Beethoven's had some agonizing drama until it faded away; and instead of being a frantic dance, the finale of the Sibelius was a machine of vehement power bearing down on us and nearly crushing the life out of its hearers.

I have to count this a great performance within a certain very limited perspective of interpretation. It was certainly an impressive thing to listen to.

There was a little more to the concert than that. One of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier prelude and fugue sets, arranged for quartet. Evidently the fugue has only three lines, because that's the number of performers playing at once throughout it. And Remember by Eleanor Alberga, three minutes of wistful chordal lament. A fairly succinct program.