Thursday, January 16, 2025

not a fan, I guess

David Lynch died. Looking over his list of films, I find I've seen three of them.

Mulholland Drive I found very weird, in a good way. It was captivating and I've even rewatched it. That's one good one on the list. If you find the plot confusing, it can be completely (well, mostly) cleared up in one sentence, a rare feat.

The Straight Story just annoyed me. When we were on motor home trips in my childhood, whenever we got to a campground, my father would set us up and then go off and find some other dad to have a long chat. The invariability of this became something of a family joke. My mother would sarcastically refer to it as Life Story Time, because those were what the guys mostly swapped. She liked The Straight Story. I said, "Mom, it's nothing but a guy driving across the country having Life Story Time!"

The Elephant Man I don't even remember. Probably drowned out by memories of The Tall Guy.

I never saw Twin Peaks. By the time I heard of it, descriptions made clear it had already sunk so far into Lynchian depths that it would be impossible to follow without having seen the earlier episodes, and it those days there were no streaming services to catch up on it with. But by the time it came out on DVD or VCR or whatever they had then, there were other things to watch that had come along in its wake and I never made the time.

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