Thursday, August 13, 2020

life among the retired

This may become my latest recurring heading. B. has been retired for a week and a half now, and a new life of reading and playing music suits her well.

She had an appointment out today, so I was able to accomplish some household errands without worrying about getting in the way: 1) tightening up the chain in the downstairs toilet tank; 2) replacing the bulbs in the upstairs hallway light fixture (a harrowing task involving dragging the stepstool upstairs, planting it blocking the hallway, and steadying oneself precariously on the books on top of the low hallway bookcase while leaning over to fiddle with the fixture hovering over the stairway opening), 3) fixing an elaborate lunch for myself with a seasoning mix I found in Walmart.

An unexpected afternoon nap left only a minimum of time to prepare and eat dinner (ravioli and sauteed broccoli) before I headed upstairs to commune with the computer on a live music education session describing musical form as found in Beethoven's "Harp" Quartet, a delightful piece I was happy to listen to again and to have analyzed.

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